Welcome to this demonstration of Perception Analyzer Online® by Dialsmith, a state-of-the-art, online survey platform with a very unique
benefit—online moment-to-moment dial testing.

For years, Dialsmith’s Perception Analyzer has been the gold-standard for dial testing focus groups and other live research sessions. Now, Perception Analyzer Online is the go-to tool for dial testing media online, seamlessly integrating into surveys and/or community portals.

In this demo, you will experience Perception Analyzer Online as a respondent would, including the moment-to-moment media evaluation or dial testing exercise as well as a sampling of traditional question formats. After you complete the demo, we look forward to connecting with you to schedule a full demo, answer any questions, or brainstorm how you can best use our tools and services to achieve your research objectives.

www.dialsmith.com | @Dialsmith | +1.503.225.8418